Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
CommonWord is a bookstore and resource centre that gathers Anabaptist and related materials for individuals and congregations throughout Canada and beyond. Resources are available to buy, borrow, special order, or access online. Our special resource lists on Climate Change/Action, Creation Care, Creation and Creativity, Earth Day, provide materials in a variety of formats to inspire and equip you for these important conversations. We walk alongside individuals, congregations and the broader church who are working to advance their understandings of and increase their collaborative efforts toward climate issues locally and globally.
Get involved:
Host a CommonWord display at your church or event (Limited to Canada).
Contribute a resource to our centre.
Become a member of CommonWord to access our loan services (Limited to Canada).
Embed a Climate Change/Action or Indigenous Relations RSS Feed on your blog or website.
Donate to help continue and further our work.
Resource Lists:
Contact us:
Visit our Contact page on the web.
1-877-846-1593 (Toll-Free in Canada/USA)
Connect with us: (facebook) (instagram)
Subscribe to our newsletter, ‘The Curator.’
CommonWord is a ministry of Mennonite Church Canada and Canadian Mennonite University.