Resources For Your Church
Caring4Climate Curriculum Series
We believe in educating people about the climate struggles through biblically-shaped faith.
We, voices within the Anabaptist community, have developed the curriculum on this website, based on the diversity of speakers at our pastoral retreats, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, and men and women. All are from the broader Anabaptist community.
While this resource is from the Anabaptist community, we offer it to the broader world, anyone who finds it helpful as you engage personally, spiritually, socially, and politically with the climate crisis.
Caring For Climate is a program offered by the Anabaptist Climate Collaborative.
This essay investigates the texts of each hymn in the ten official hymnals published by MCUSA/MCCanada and their antecedents, the Mennonite Church and General Conference. Each hymn was investigated in search of metaphors and images drawing material from the natural world, and organized into four categories: material-spiritual dualism, Romanticism, agrarianism, and ethics/justice. This data was then arranged to establish a history of Mennonite eco-hymnody for use in critiquing the environmental expressions of the 2020 Voices Together hymnal.
Environmental Expressions in Mennonite Hymnals
Creation Care Action Plans
The Creation Care Action Plans are designed to help congregations see creation care as a part of God’s redemptive work and take part in God’s vision of reconciliation for all creation. Each plan strives to meet churches where they are at and empower them towards further creation care action. The plans were developed as a part of ACC’s Climate Futures Fellowship program in 2020 and are informed and inspired by the experiences of Anabaptist pastors in the US and Canada.
Every Creature Singing
Every Creature Singing is “a curriculum for followers of Jesus who want to connect their faith with their place.” Developed by Mennonite Creation Care Network, this 12-session course is a great place to start for any person of faith looking to answer the questions that arise when bringing together faith and issues of justice and creation care.
The Greener Congregation Score Sheet
The Greener Congregation Score Sheet is a tool built by Mennonite Creation Care Network which allows congregations to evaluate their present attention to creation care and plans for the future. The score sheet covers a wide variety of categories, from orienting worship services towards creation care, to evaluating energy use and building design. The score sheet is free to download on their website.
Global South Resources
This issue of Mennonite Central Committee’s regular publication, Intersections, deals with ways in which members of MCC have encountered climate change in their work. Their work in the Global South focuses on building healthy communities, creating sustainable livelihoods, and promoting peace, which has all been impacted by climate change. It’s a great introduction to the relationship between climate change and the Global South from an Anabaptist perspective. It also features Tammy Alexander, Director of National Peace & Justice for MCC, and Jennifer Schrock, Director at Mennonite Creation Care Network.
Mennonite Voices on Creation Care
A collection of short videos with biblical/theological perspectives on climate change. Hear from a collection of diverse voices on climate change within the Mennonite church about a question which is important to them.