Sustainability Alumni Network

The Sustainability Alumni Network (SAN) connects students and recent graduates from Mennonite colleges and universities interested in sustainability and leverages its collective resources to make positive change on environmental issues. In other words, we're a group of young adults who like to hang out and figure out together what to do about this climate change thing. Join us to learn how you can get involved and to brainstorm how we can make change, together.

Mission & Vision


At our core, we strive to amplify the voice and resources of young adults at Mennonite colleges and beyond by collaborating on mutual passions of sustainability and climate.


The Sustainability Alumni Network seeks to connect with young adults on environmental initiatives, support sustainability clubs at Mennonite colleges and universities, and continue our own climate advocacy within the Mennonite Church.

To that end, we seek to:

  1. Connect alumni with each other to enrich the community among graduates of Mennonite colleges & universities

  2. Create a network that supports current students and increases the effectiveness of their sustainability initiatives by acting as a consistent resource 

  3. Grow the advocacy potential of passionate young adults on issues of climate and sustainability within the nationwide Mennonite church

Identity & Membership

The Sustainability Alumni Network connects young adults while centering support for climate justice within Mennonite communities such as colleges/universities and churches. However, membership and support is open to anyone – not just young adults or Mennonites – who wishes to support and further our Mission & Vision.

Want to get involved?

Fill out our new member form, or check out our Linktree to visit our social media or connect in other ways.


SAN is made up of a collective of smaller sub-groups that vary in size and mission, and serve to engage young adults with myriad interests in ways of engaging with climate.

  • SAN hosts retreats for students and recent graduates to get to know each other and discuss effective climate action.

  • The Voluntary Emissions Tax Group uses community-driven carbon offsetting to subvert carbon-intensive capitalism. How? Group members opt into carbon offsetting at voluntary rates that make sense for their circumstances. The group meets quarterly to discern what organization receives the funds that have been gathered. More information can be found here.

  • Members of the SAN Solar Investment LLC pool money and resources to offer low-interest loans for non-profits looking to solarize.
